A live wallpaper of binary sequences streaming down your screen
A live wallpaper of binary sequences streaming down your screen. Should make any hacker feel at home.
Worried about battery life? This wallpaper is highly optimized so it uses the same amount of battery as any other regular live wallpaper despite the constant animations.
Now with customizable settings! Now also supports the characters from the Matrix! Try it out by clicking on the "Character set" setting.
You can either set the wallpaper in the Android settings, or click the "Set as wallpaper" option in the app itself.
This project is open source and available at https://github.com/gsingh93/hacker-live-wallpaper. If you use the code in any of your projects all that I ask is that you let me know by email.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, email me. If the app crashes, Android will ask you if you want to report it or do nothing. Please report it, it helps me figure out what's wrong. Emailing me after reporting it is the best option.
- Version 1.7.0
- Switched build system to Gradle
- Removed HoloEverywhere and ActionBarSherlock librares (reduce APK size)
- Added option to set wallpaper from within app
- Version 1.6.1
- Minor library updates
- Version 1.6
- Added a bit of depth to the animations and added a setting to enable/disable depth
- Version 1.5
- Fixed a settings bug that caused the wallpaper to crash
- Fixed a bug with changing the text size
- Memory optimization
- Added a setting to change the background color
- Version 1.4
- Настройки! Окончательно!
- Fixed a bug that caused a force close after too many screen rotates.
- Memory and performance improvements
- Version 1.3
- Two bug fixes
- Version 1.2
- Major performance fixes
- Duplicate bit sequence bug fix
- Version 1.1
- Fixed for Android 2.2+
Если вы хотите, чтобы ваши цифры достигли звезд, вам нужно выкупить инкрементные коды Ascender.
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Вот все команды консоли, которые вы можете использовать в Victoria 3, чтобы сделать вашу нацию лучшей страной в мире.
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